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Donald Trump and Conspirators’ Indictment Shows Accountability for Election Lies

“Today’s indictment is a necessary step to hold former President Donald Trump and his associates accountable for the calculated and immoral attempt to reject the will of Georgia voters in the 2020 election."


Indictment of Donald Trump Shows No One is Above the Law

"No American is above the law—not even former presidents. The charges that a federal grand jury leveled today against former President Donald Trump are profoundly serious and must go to trial."

Protecting Our Democracy Act Will Curb Abuses of Power by Future Presidents

No American is above the law, not even the President. But we learned during the Trump administration that existing laws are not sufficient to prevent abuses of the Office of the President. We need strong guardrails in the form of laws. We need the Protecting Our Democracy Act to provide greater checks and balances to the powers of the presidency while creating new mechanisms for transparency and accountability.  

Voting & Elections 07.24.2023

Gambling on U.S. Elections Would Pose Profound Threat to Democracy, Common Cause Warns CFTC

Today, Common Cause urged the Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) to reject a request to legalize gambling on U.S. election outcomes. In a filing in response to the CFTC’s request for public comment, Common Cause emphasized that KalshiEX, LLC (“Kalshi”)’s proposed Congressional control event contract posed “new and profound threats to the integrity of our democracy and our elections.”

Media & Democracy 07.20.2023

Common Cause Welcomes Ishan Mehta as Director of Media & Democracy Program

Common Cause is pleased to announce that Ishan Mehta has joined Common Cause as the Director of the Media and Democracy Program. Ishan will lead program staff and build on the program started by former FCC Commissioner & Common Cause Special Advisor Michael Copps. He will lead campaigns to engage the public and policy makers on key initiatives including promoting an open internet, fostering competition in the media marketplace, and ensuring broadband access for all Americans.

Voting & Elections 07.18.2023

Common Cause Urges Support for the Freedom to Vote Act  

Today, Common Cause is urging every member of the United States Senate and House of Representatives to support the Freedom to Vote Act (S. 1/H.R.11), a transformational pro-voter, anti-corruption bill, and to oppose the House’s anti-voter “American Confidence in Elections” (ACE) Act. In a letter to the full Senate and House, Common Cause emphasized that the Freedom to Vote Act will strengthen Americans’ freedom to make their voices heard at the polls, end partisan gerrymandering, combat dangerous election sabotage efforts, and help to curb the undue influence of secret money in our elections.

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