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Common Cause NY: Democracy Takes Time and That’s OK!

"Democracy takes time and we're pleased that all votes in Queens are now counted safely and securely through a careful hand counting process. Accurate and fair election results are worth the wait."


Common Cause Releases 2022 “Democracy Scorecard” Showing Growing Support in Congress for Democracy Reform

“Our democracy is strongest when constituents are informed about the job our elected leaders are doing in Washington,” said Susan Lerner, Common Cause New York executive director.


Common Cause/NY Statement Regarding Holding Andrew Cuomo Accountable

Voting & Elections 03.27.2020

NY Electeds, Election Commissioners + CC/NY Call to Expand Absentee Voting + Consolidate Primary Amid COVID-19

Today, State Senator Alessandra Biaggi, Assemblymember Yuh-Line Niou, New York State Board of Elections Co-Chair Douglas A. Kellner, Onondaga County Democratic Elections Commissioner Dustin Czarny, and Susan Lerner of Common Cause/NY joined together to urge New York lawmakers to expand absentee voting in New York, as well as consolidate the April 28th presidential and village primaries and special elections, to the legislative and congressional primaries on June 23rd...

Voting & Elections 03.24.2020

Democracy Doesn’t Pause: Common Cause/NY on How Elections Can Proceed During COVID-19

Common Cause/NY released a white paper today with recommendations on how New York elections can proceed during a pandemic, including...

Groups Urge Government to Adopt New Measures to do the People’s Business

Common Cause/NY, League of Women Voters New York, NYPIRG, Reinvent Albany, and Citizens Union encourage lawmakers to vote remotely.

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