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Ethics 07.13.2017

Statement on Appeals Court Ruling on Sheldon Silver

Sheldon Silver is absolutely guilty of corrupting his office and violating the public trust of 19 million New Yorkers


Common Cause Recommends Legislation to Create Legal Defense Funds for NYC Public Officials

Today, Common Cause released a comparative analysis of Legal Defense Fund (LDF) models across the country and recommendations for New York City. A framework does not currently exist in New York, creating a policy gap in the campaign finance law. The paper was co-authored by Michael Halberstam, Senior Research Fellow at the Center for Law and Economic Studies at Columbia Law School.


Challenges to our democracy: what's next for the media?

Please join us for the first of Common Cause/ New York's John Gardner Breakfast Series on the challenges facing our democracy, bringing together leading speakers, thinkers, and elected officials from across the political spectrum to explore solutions and stimulate thought and discussion.

Money & Influence 05.25.2016

Common Cause New York Statement on Governor Cuomo's Legislation to Close the LLC Loophole

Common Cause New York is pleased to see Governor Cuomo's proposed bills to close the LLC loophole, but with ten session days left it's a race against time.

Money & Influence 05.24.2016

Common Cause New York Calls on Conflicts of Interest Board to Review Emails from "Agents of the City"

On February 22nd Common Cause New York sent a letter to the Conflicts of Interest Board (COIB) and Campaign Finance Board (CFB) requesting an investigation into Mayor Bill de Blasio's 501 (c) 4 entity called the Campaign for One New York. Although the Mayor has shuttered the Campaign for One New York, there remain related issues, noted in the complaint that still warrant investigation.

Ethics 04.29.2016

Common Cause/New York + Constituents Pressure Flanagan to Commit to Ethics Reform

Four days before former Senate Majority Leader Dean Skelos receives his sentence for public corruption, Common Cause/NY Executive Director, Susan Lerner joined with constituents of Senate District 2 to urge his replacement, Senator John Flanagan, to commit to ethics reform.

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