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Money & Influence 12.10.2014

Five Things Wrong With Congress’s Omnibus Spending Bill

Congress is running out of time to fund the government, and last night, they came to a $1.1 trillion agreement. But they’re not letting this crisis go to waste – the omnibus bill is packed with special interest handouts and riders that will weaken our democracy.

Money & Influence 12.10.2014

Rolling Out a Carpet of Cash

“The deal apparently struck today by Democratic and Republican leaders to quadruple the maximum contribution for support of national political conventions is an affront to the millions of Americans whose votes last month signaled their desire for change in Washington. Although a different party will be in the majority in the Senate for the 114th Congress, it’s clear that the real power will remain with big money interests. This agreement simply ends the current Congress by rolling out a carpet of cash for the next one.

Money & Influence 12.5.2014

Corporate Lobbies Plot Strategies to Keep Political Spending Secret

Two DC events this week demonstrate corporate concern about citizen and shareholder efforts to force disclosure of political spending.

Money & Influence 12.3.2014

Common Cause Urges House Action to Reverse Citizens United

Common Cause joined in a coalition urging House leaders to schedule a debate and vote on the Democracy of All Amendment before adjourning this month

Money & Influence 11.20.2014

Chris Christie Is Dancing In the Dark Money

New Jersey Governor Chris Christie, a potential 2016 Republican presidential candidate, has a strange plan for campaign finance reform. In a recent radio interview, Chris Christie called for complete disclosure of campaign contributions and the end of secret dark money groups.

Money & Influence 11.7.2014

Tallahassee Makes History

Last Tuesday, the City of Tallahassee passed a landmark anti-corruption ballot measure that stops political bribery, exposes dark money, and empowers every voter to be heard -- the first of its kind in the nation.

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