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Common Cause Commends Introduction of We The People Act by Sen. Udall & Rep. Price

At a time when too many Americans do not think they have a meaningful voice in their democracy, when confidence in our institutions is at historic lows, and cynicism at record highs, this democracy reform package is needed more than ever. These reforms are working at the state level, empowering citizens and breaking down barriers to participation for all Americans, irrespective of political party.

Money & Influence 09.27.2017

Democracy Reforms Are Advancing, Even In the Trump Era

While partisan knives get sharper in Washington and the White House and the majority party in Congress continue their offensive against sensible controls on big money in politics, democracy reformers are making important progress in state capitols.

Money & Influence 09.20.2017

Gov. Snyder Takes Michigan Backwards By Signing Special Interest Campaign Finance Bills

Governor Rick Snyder was quick to sign two bills today that will increase the influence of special interests in Michigan. SB 335 and SB 336 are unacceptable attacks on the democratic process by expanding the damage from the Supreme Court’s disastrous 2010 Citizens United decision in Michigan. Common Cause had organized its 30,000 Michigan members to email and call Gov. Snyder, urging him to veto the bills.

Money & Influence 09.18.2017

National Model for Campaign Finance in Peril

Connecticut Gov. Dan Malloy is promising to veto a state budget plan that would decimate the Citizens’ Election Program (CEP), a national model for campaign finance reform since its adoption more than a decade ago.

Money & Influence 08.22.2017

Courts Weighing Challenges to Sensible Control of Political Money

A pair of lawsuits making their way through the courts in Alaska and New York State have important implications for efforts to rein in the power of big money in American politics.

Money & Influence 08.2.2017

Democracy Vouchers Leveling the Political Playing Field in Seattle

There’s news today about an interesting – and promising – experiment in democracy in the Pacific Northwest.

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